I found this video of Seth Godin on Marketing on You Tube:
Name of the video is :
Seth Godin: Sliced bread and other marketing delights
Enjoy !
TtHhAaNnKkSs FfOoUuRr VvIiSsIiTtIiNnGg !
Kk. Rr. Oo.
Every religion existing, suggests its followers to be acknowledging and respectful of the others.
I was just thinking that marketing, if it were a religion would be based on the same philosophy. At the core, it also urges the marketers to be respectful of people, their habits and their behavior. Marketers do not have biases when they are studying a population. They do not sneer on a particular habit or behavior of a population. They find no accent funny, they rather respect that and try to speak people’s dialects. They do not call names to population because of their color, features, habits or culture; they rather try to find similarities between people and best ways to serve them.
Proud to be a marketer ! ;)